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Easy to use! Support both given IP address, or automatically gets IP from your visitor CGI information No RDBMS required.
[h1] Effectively remove database overhead thus speed up access.[/h1][h1] Ultra fast query.[/h1][h1] Our test server shows that it takes only 0.[/h1][h1]38 millisecond to get country info * Latest IP data can be easily updated from http://ip-to-country.[/h1][h1]webhosting.[/h1][h1]info/node/view/6 Plain CF custom tag.[/h1][h1] Shared hosting friendly.[/h1][h1]Just copy this custom tag in your ColdFusion script directory, and you're set * Test server specification:- Single processor Intel Pentium IV 2GHz- 1GB RAM- ColdFusion MX7 Enterprise - CF_IP2Country setup using application variable cache (UseAppVar=1) [/h1]Supported ColdFusion Server: ColdFusion 5 ColdFusion MX 6, 6.1 ColdFusion 7 ColdFusion 8 on all operating systems Access to <cffile> is required. Supported browsers:Since this tag is working on server side, all browsers are compatible. <cf_ip2country IP="IP address to lookup using dot notation ( or blank to get IP from your visitor CGI variable" UseAppVar="1|0. 1 indicates use of application variable cache, 0 indicates read data file directly"> Upon successful call, the caller page will have below variables: IP2Country.Country -> holds the country name, or blank if the country can't be located (for example if the IP is a local address) IP2Country.Country2 -> holds 2 characters of country ID IP2Country.Country3 -> holds 3 characters of country ID This tag comes in handy when you want to know the country from a given IP address, such as the IP of your visitor. Particularly for applications that needs: Real Time Geo-Locating (Country) Fraud Detection (Credit Card Fraud, etc.) Country targeted ads. Digital Rights Management Web Server Log Analysis Auto-selection of fields on forms (country, currency, language, etc.) Filter access on basis of originating country Spam Filtering and many more For a complete example please click this link (Open in new window) (Tabbed page powered by CF_Tab) Price License Purchase $500.00 1 Site license Licensing Information Goods and services provided by MasRizal Sold by Inc. (Ohio, USA). 2Checkout & MasRizal accepts customer orders via online checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Dinners, JCB and debit cards with the Visa and MasterCard logo. PayPal and purchasing using your existing bank account are limited to US currency. CF_IP2Country (Site License) is available for immediate download. After you complete the order, you will receive a confirmation email with your download link. Please ensure your email address is entered correctly during the order process. Why Customers Choose Us Find out why our valued customers choose MasRizal & Partners solutions. Click here to see their reasons Featured Customers More than 6850 companies rely on MasRizal & Partners solutions. Click here to see our featured customers Free For Non-Profit Organization MasRizal Charity program allows eligible nonprofit organizations to get MasRizal's products at no cost. Click here for program detail Testimonials Take the word of our clients Top Selling Products See our top selling products Let Us Help You Can't find solution you need? Click here to get solution from MasRizal.
CF_IP2Country is a quick solution to get country ID and name (ISO3166) from a given IP address. This tag doesn't require any RDBMS. Just put the tag in your CF working directory and you're done!
In addition, this tag runs ultra fast when being used in AppVar mode - using application variable as a data cache. Our Pentium IV 2GHz, 1GB RAM test machine shows that it only takes 0.38ms (0.00038 second) to lookup for a country based on given IP.
Support both given IP address, or automatically gets IP from your visitor CGI information
No RDBMS required. Effectively remove database overhead thus speed up access.
Ultra fast query. Our test server shows that it takes only 0.38 millisecond to get country info *
Latest IP data can be easily updated from
Plain CF custom tag. Shared hosting friendly. Just copy this custom tag in your ColdFusion script directory, and you're set
* Test server specification: - Single processor Intel Pentium IV 2GHz - 1GB RAM - ColdFusion MX7 Enterprise - CF_IP2Country setup using application variable cache (UseAppVar=1)
Supported ColdFusion Server:
ColdFusion 5
ColdFusion MX 6, 6.1
ColdFusion 7
ColdFusion 8
on all operating systems Access to <cffile> is required.
Supported browsers: Since this tag is working on server side, all browsers are compatible.
IP="IP address to lookup using dot notation ( or blank to get IP from your visitor CGI variable"
UseAppVar="1|0. 1 indicates use of application variable cache, 0 indicates read data file directly">
Upon successful call, the caller page will have below variables:
IP2Country.Country -> holds the country name, or blank if the country can't be located (for example if the IP is a local address)
IP2Country.Country2 -> holds 2 characters of country ID
IP2Country.Country3 -> holds 3 characters of country ID
This tag comes in handy when you want to know the country from a given IP address, such as the IP of your visitor. Particularly for applications that needs:
Real Time Geo-Locating (Country)
Fraud Detection (Credit Card Fraud, etc.)
Country targeted ads.
Digital Rights Management
Web Server Log Analysis
Auto-selection of fields on forms (country, currency, language, etc.)
Goods and services provided by MasRizal
Sold by Inc. (Ohio, USA).
2Checkout & MasRizal accepts customer orders via online checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Dinners, JCB and debit cards with the Visa and MasterCard logo.
PayPal and purchasing using your existing bank account are limited to US currency.
CF_IP2Country (Site License) is available for immediate download.
After you complete the order, you will receive a confirmation email with your download link.
Please ensure your email address is entered correctly during the order process.
Why Customers Choose Us
Find out why our valued customers choose MasRizal & Partners solutions. Click here to see their reasons
Free For Non-Profit Organization
MasRizal Charity program allows eligible nonprofit organizations to get MasRizal's products at no cost. Click here for program detail