Services For You &gt; Your Agendas <a href="index.cfm?fuseaction=service.oursolution">Our Solutions. Delivered</a> Why You Should Choose Us Case Studies Contact Us What Drives Your Agenda:Your Budget, Your Competitors' or Your View of the Future? Circumstances and preferences create different company agenda. In Information Technology perspective, some are cost-conscious or are forced to be by current financial condition. Other focused on growth and innovation, either because they see that IT is the key to gaining a long-term competitive advantage or because they view it as a tactical method for escaping their current fiscal mess. Still there are other companies focused on operations and productivity. Doing what they already do, only better using world class Information Technology solution. Cost-Conscious Company Agenda For some budget-tight companies, an IT outsource solution is the key to fulfill their company agenda. This is true for some cases, as some outsource IT solution providers offer lower cost solution comparing to in-house solution. This low cost solution can be achieved because the company doesn't have to invest much money building a solid IT team, give them appropriate training and provides the software and hardware infrastructure. Instead these costs have been paid by their IT outsource partner. The investment can be even more reduced by using IT offshore partner. Nowadays, there are hundreds of IT outsource companies offering a very low cost IT solution. $5 - $10 man/hour rate is the number you can easily find. Well, we're not talking about the quality of their work. What can you expect from that cheap service anyway? But don't get it wrong, we're not saying for that cheap price you won't get a good service. It's just the number of companies offering that lower price can be hundreds. And probably you'll waste your time looking for a good one, or worst, have several companies do the same project for you in which you'll choose one that's best. But that is against the idea of offshoring your IT needs, right? How many hours you spend to find a good one? How much money you spend just to select the best?
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> Your Agendas
Our Solutions. Delivered
Why You Should Choose Us
Case Studies
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What Drives Your Agenda:
Your Budget, Your Competitors' or Your View of the Future?

Circumstances and preferences create different company agenda. In Information Technology perspective, some are cost-conscious or are forced to be by current financial condition. Other focused on growth and innovation, either because they see that IT is the key to gaining a long-term competitive advantage or because they view it as a tactical method for escaping their current fiscal mess. Still there are other companies focused on operations and productivity. Doing what they already do, only better using world class Information Technology solution.

Cost-Conscious Company Agenda
For some budget-tight companies, an IT outsource solution is the key to fulfill their company agenda. This is true for some cases, as some outsource IT solution providers offer lower cost solution comparing to in-house solution. This low cost solution can be achieved because the company doesn't have to invest much money building a solid IT team, give them appropriate training and provides the software and hardware infrastructure. Instead these costs have been paid by their IT outsource partner. The investment can be even more reduced by using IT offshore partner.
Nowadays, there are hundreds of IT outsource companies offering a very low cost IT solution. $5 - $10 man/hour rate is the number you can easily find. Well, we're not talking about the quality of their work. What can you expect from that cheap service anyway? But don't get it wrong, we're not saying for that cheap price you won't get a good service. It's just the number of companies offering that lower price can be hundreds. And probably you'll waste your time looking for a good one, or worst, have several companies do the same project for you in which you'll choose one that's best. But that is against the idea of offshoring your IT needs, right? How many hours you spend to find a good one? How much money you spend just to select the best?
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