Below is the source code for upload_2_file.cfm

<!--- filefield sent by FlashUpload is called FileData --->
<cfif structkeyexists(form,"Filedata")>    
    <cfset strDir=expandpath(".")>    
    <cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Filedata" destination="#strDir#" nameconflict="MAKEUNIQUE">  
    <!--- rename the file, add some prefix based on session key to make it unique --->
    <cfset strFilePrefix=url.SessionKey>
    <cfset strFileTarget="#strDir#/#strFilePrefix#-#file.serverFile#">
    <cffile action="rename"    source="#file.serverDirectory#/#file.ServerFile#"    destination="#strFileTarget#">

<!--- send empty string for workaround with Flash 8 bug on Mac platform --->
<cfoutput> </cfoutput>